CzechTerra 1. cyklus (2008/2009) - statistické výstupy

Rozlohy územních kategorií

Country area broken down to build-up area and outside build-up area
Country area broken down by land category
Country area broken down by land cover type
Area of planar near-natural elements (excluding forests) broken down by land cover type
Area of linear near-natural elemets (excluding forests) broken down by land cover type
Country area broken down by IPCC land use category
Area of aggregated cover types "Forest" and "Near-natural elements with woody vegetation"
Area of land categories according to FRA 2005 (FAO)

Územní kategorie "Les - porostní půda"

Porosty (živé stromy) - Dřevinná skladba

Area of timberland broken down by tree species (species composition)
Area of timberland broken down by species group and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by species mixture type and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by dominant species and altitude zone
Total number of trees (height > 0,1 m), broken down by species group and altitude zone

Porosty (živé stromy) - Tloušťková struktura

Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by diameter class and species group
Mean number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare (based on tree area) by diameter class and species group
Mean number of trees (height > 0,1 m) per hectare (based on tree area) by dimension class and species group
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by slenderness ratio and species group

Porosty (živé stromy) - Věková struktura

Area of timberland broken down by age class and species group
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by age class and species group
Mean number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare (based on tree area) by age class and species group

Porosty (živé stromy) - Diverzita

Area of timberland broken down by naturalness and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by vertical structure and altitude zone
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by layering type and species group
Area of timberland broken down by species richness and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by species composure and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by species distribution and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by tree distribution and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by tree dimension variability (DBH and height) and altitude zone

Porosty (živé stromy) - Zásoba

Total volume of stem o.b. (height > 0,1 m) broken down by species group and altitude zone
Mean volume of stem o.b. (height > 0,1 m ) per hectare (based on tree area) by species group and altitude zone
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by species group and altitude zone
Mean volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare (based on tree area) by species group and altitude zone
Mean volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare (based on stand area) by species group and altitude zone
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by diameter class and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by age class and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by tree forking type and species group

Porosty (živé stromy) - Přírůst

Total current increment u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by altitude zone
Mean current increment u.b. (weighted average) per hectare (DBH >= 7 cm) by altitude zone

Porosty (živé stromy) - Sortimentace

Total volume of assorments broken down by species group
Total volume of assorments broken down by species group and diameter category
Total value of assortments broken down by species group

Porosty (živé stromy) - Biomasa

Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) per hectare (based on tree area) by altitude zone
Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) broken down by species group
Mean weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) per hectare (based on tree area) by species group
Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) broken down by forest type and altitude zone
Mean weight of aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) per hectare (based on tree area) by forest type and altitude zone

Porosty (živé stromy) - Uhlík

Total carbon stock in above ground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight of carbon stock in aboveground tree biomass (height >= 1,3 m) per hectare (based on tree area) by altitude zone

Porosty (živé stromy) - Poškození

Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by tree break type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by tree break type and species group
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by mechanical damage type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by mechanical damage type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by mechanical damage type and damage age
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by bark stripping type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by bark stripping type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by bark stripping type and damage age
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by stem rot type and species group
Total volume of growing stock u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by stem rot type and species group
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by other damage type and species group

Obnova porostů - Dřevinná skladba

Area of timberland broken down by tree regeneration occurrence and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by tree regeneration mixture type and altitude zone
Area of tree regeneration broken down by species group and altitude zone
Total number of trees in regeneration broken down by species group and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by regeneration support type and altitude zone

Obnova porostů - Struktura

Area of tree regeneration broken down by species group and regeneration dimension class
Total number of trees in regeneration broken down by regeneration dimension class and species group
Mean number of trees in regeneration per hectare by regeneration dimension class and species group
Mean age (arithmetic) of trees in regeneration by regeneration dimension class and altitude zone

Obnova porostů - Poškození

Percentage of damaged trees in regeneration by regeneration dimension class, type of damage and species group
Percentage of damaged trees in regeneration by regeneration dimension class, type of damage, age of damage and species group

Tlející dřevo - Výskyt

Total number of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by distribution type of lying deadwood
Total number of stumps broken down by dimension class and altitude zone
Total number of stumps broken down by dimension class and decay class
Area of timberland broken down by coverage of loppings and altitude zone

Tlející dřevo - Objem

Total volume of standing dead trees u.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by altitude zone
Mean volume (arithmetic) of standing dead trees u.b (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total volume of lying deadwood broken down by decay class and altitude zone
Mean volume (arithmetic) of lying deadwood per hectare by decay class and altitude zone
Total volume of lying deadwood broken down by diameter class (central diameter) and altitude zone

Tlející dřevo - Biomasa

Total weight of aboveground biomass in standing dead trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of aboveground biomass in standing dead trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total weight of biomass in lying deadwood broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of biomass in lying deadwood per hectare by altitude zone

Tlející dřevo - Uhlík

Total carbon stock in aboveground biomass of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Mean carbon stock (arithmetic) in aboveground biomass of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total carbon stock in lying deadwood broken down by altitude zone

Stanoviště - Biotop

Area of timberland broken down by type of valuable biotope and altitude zone

Stanoviště - Přízemní vegetace

Area of timberland broken down by ground vegetation cover and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by shrub cover and altitude zone

Stanoviště - Půda

Area of timberland broken down by humus form and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by soil category and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by soil depth and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by soil water conditions and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by soil stoniness and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by litter presence and altitude zone
Area of timberland broken down by litter thickness and altitude zone
Exchangeable soil acidity (pH/KCl) in upper layers of forest soils (30 cm) by altitude zone
Mean C/N ratio in fine fraction of upper forest soil layers (30 cm) by altitude zone

Územní kategorie "Přírodě blízké prvky (mimo les) se stromovou vegetací"

Stromy (živé) - Dřevinná skladba

Area of near-natural elements - trees, broken down by species (species composition)
Area of near-natural elements - trees, broken down by species category and altitude zone
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by species category and altitude zone

Stromy (živé) - Tloušťková struktura

Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by diameter class and species category
Mean number (arithmetic) of trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by diameter class and species category

Stromy (živé) - Věková struktura

Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by age class and species category
Mean number (arithmetic) of trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by age class and species category

Stromy (živé) - Zásoba

Total volume of stem o.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by species category and altitude zone
Mean volume (arithmetic) of stem o.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by species category and altitude zone
Total volume of stem o.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) by dimension class and species category

Stromy (živé) - Biomasa

Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by species group
Mean weight (arithmetic) of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by species group
Total weight of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by forest type and altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by forest type and altitude zone

Stromy (živé) - Uhlík

Total carbon stock in above ground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of carbon stock in aboveground tree biomass (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone

Stromy (živé) - Poškození

Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by tree break type and species category
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by mechanical damage type and species category
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by bark stripping type and species category
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by stem rot type and species category
Total number of trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by other damage type and species category

Tlející dřevo - Výskyt

Total number of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Total number of stumps broken down by dimension class and altitude zone
Total number of stumps broken down by dimension class and decay class

Tlející dřevo - Objem

Total stem volume o.b. (DBH >= 7 cm) of standing dead trees, broken down by altitude zone
Mean stem volume o.b. (arithmetic) of standing dead trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total volume of lying deadwood broken down by decay class and altitude zone
Mean volume (arithmetic) of lying deadwood per hectare by decay class and altitude zone
Total volume of lying deadwood broken down by diameter class (central diameter) and altitude zone

Tlející dřevo - Biomasa

Total weight of aboveground biomass in standing dead trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of aboveground biomass in standing dead trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total weight of biomass in lying deadwood broken down by altitude zone
Mean weight (arithmetic) of biomass in lying deadwood per hectare by altitude zone

Tlející dřevo - Uhlík

Total carbon stock in aboveground biomass of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm), broken down by altitude zone
Mean carbon stock (arithmetic) in aboveground biomass of dead standing trees (DBH >= 7 cm) per hectare by altitude zone
Total carbon stock in lying deadwood broken down by altitude zone

Stanoviště - Přízemní vegetace

Area of near-natural elements - trees, broken down by ground vegetation cover and altitude zone
Area of near-natural elements - trees, broken down by shrub cover and altidude zone

Krajinné metriky

Country area broken down by number of land cover types and altitude zone
Mean length (arithmetic) of forest edge per hectare by altitude zone
Mean length (arithmetic) of near-natural elements edge per hectare by altitude zone